Friday, January 14, 2011

This is just me, today

I have the day to MYSELF.  Jake is off to a funeral in Wyoming, and he took Isaac with him, since I had hoped to get some sub jobs in his absence.  Well.... I didn't, and I've had two days alone while the big kids went to school.  Time to clean my whole house....time for naps.....time for blogging and eating (without sharing) and reading.  It has been a blissful couple of days, even the part where I let Gabe and Layne sleep in my bed last night, with me in the middle.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Where the bunnies live....

We sacrificed our second shower for our rabbits. The other alternative was the dining room. You can see they poo in a litter box. Yeah, not appetizing. So they get to live here unless we have them out to cuddle on the couch or to run around the house. Since we had them neutered, they've been delightful little friends. The white one is good enough that we could probably leave him out of the cage and just have the litter box for him (like a cat) but the tan one is pretty mischevious. I'm pretty sure he'd chew through power cords and stuff.

Friday, January 7, 2011

The Multi-Purpose Room

Though we lost a lot of square footage in the move, and the kids' rooms got smaller, at least our bedroom got bigger. Now it is the everything room. A fun place to hang out. We can have someone sewing, someone at the computer, someone laying on the bed watching TV, and someone working out all in the same room at the same time. Sounds fun, huh?

View from the doorway (the bedroom)

turn left a bit (the entertainment center)

turn left a bit (the office)

turn left a bit (the sewing room)

turn left a bit (the gym)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The kids' bedrooms

Recently cleaned and organized for a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Godak. They RARELY look like this, so documentation is a good thing. I can always refer to this blog post at room cleaning time and say, "this is what it should look like when you are done."

Layne's room:

The Boys' room

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Dining room and music room combined

It is so nice to make dinner and set the table and listen to Layne practice the piano at the same time. Honestly, she is a careful little learner and enjoys making pretty music. Does a mom's heart good.

Monday, January 3, 2011

My tiny kitchen in my tiny home.

We moved in August to save money, and because we realized that we didn't really need all the space that we were taking up before. We downsized and simplified and it works. We got rid of a lot of stuff we had been saving and we don't miss any of that. We like this efficient little home. It suits us:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

And another habit....finishing what I start.

I didn't really make a resolution, per-se, because although I don't really believe in "jinxing" I kinda think that making a New Year's Resolution is kinda like that. I'm not going to make a formal statement of intent. I'm just gonna say that I have HEAPS of fabric, beads, ribbon, batting, picture frames without pictures, pictures without frames, thread yarn, various forms of glue, wood, quilt squares, incomplete photo albums, unlearned piano lessons, recipes untried, ad infinitum.

like to plan things and buy the supplies, or print out the instructions, and then look at the stuff I acquired. I start, but rarely finish. One of my goals of this 365 day journey is to share pictures of some finished stuff.

Here I am working on a blanket.

I bought said blanket 2 years ago and discoverd that the 100% silk thing, albeit gorgeous, wouldn't stay on our bed. After Jake's endless complaining about the blanket, we retired it to the closet and pulled out a flannel quilt instead. Then I got industrious and pinned flannel to the backside of the pretty silk bedspread. But safety pins on a bedspread.....well, not such a good idea. Jake complained some more. I took it off and very carefully pinned the flannel on with straight pins and put it in the closet. Because I needed those pins for another project (bwahahah), I recently (finally) sewed the flannel on. Tonight I am tying it with floss to keep it from shifting. All-in-all, this project probably took 2 hours over the course of two years. Sigh.....I WILL learn, really I will.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

In the name of consistency....

My dear friend, Kim, called me up and offered me a challenge. She said she needs to do SOMETHING every day, just to prove she can and she thought of ME when she was approaching this project. Funny how some people just KNOW you like that. She suggested we post a picture a day for 365 days. Perfect. I think I can do THAT. I've considered stuff like this before. After watching Julie and Julia, I considered cooking all the recipes in a 1931 Fannie Farmer Boston Cooking School book I have, and blogging about that but seriously, look at my other two blogs for giggles. You can see how consistent I am with these blogs. One picture each day, though. How hard can THAT be? Baby steps, right?

Oh, and she didn't say I had to TAKE the picture that day. Maybe she meant that, but I don't recall her saying it, so the fact that January 1st's picture was taken on December 24th doesn't mean I cheated....right? Or does it?